Sunday 28 February 2010

Night Shift Update

Nearly finished work for the night, 45 mins to go.  Thank god ill get out to a bit of fresh air, men stink, ive spent most of the night in the office like this :

Of  course they thinks its highly amusing!!
Well Ill be going home to see Oran & get him up & dressed and his daddy will be taking him to his step Mothers (our childminder) for the morning so I can get a few hours kip and I shall go and pick him up later or and see if he is up for anything this afternoon as he is a little under the weather right now with an ear infection in both ears & a big sore coldsore on his lip to.  Look how sad & dejected he looks :


However I'm sure i'll manage to get him to do something with me, even if its just a bit of the Wii or some painting we will figure something long as I don't sit down that is as if that happens ill just be kaffled on the couch for the rest of the afternoon trying to keep my eyes open with match sticks!!!

The Introduction bit....

Well I opened this blog up about 2 weeks ago & have added nothing to it, so I guess I should at least make a small attempt at using the thing and think its time to get started with some introductions........

I am a married mum of one little boy.....that actually scares me as it makes me sound really old, in my head I am still about 23/24 in harsh reality I am 29 & will be 30 in Nov.   My little boy is 3 in April and is a little superstar, he is beautiful, clever & funny, I have no clue where he gets all that from, I think I must have been secretly implanted while I was sleeping with the egg from some intelligent bird & the sperm half mixed with the comedic genius of Peter Kay and the beautiful Good looks of Orlando Bloom, either way I call him my own and appreciate every day I get with him.  

I really enjoy photography although I don't really "practice" it, this is on my "to do" list for 2010 along with learning more in-depth the editing side of it.  I also enjoy baking and make birthday cakes for family & friends and now for others through word of mouth which is a great little sideline for me & I hope I can develop this a bit so I can move from my current full time job in to a part time job & do this the other part of the time.  I currently work in IT in the banking industry and I gotta say it is B.O.R.I.N.G its not something I wanted to do with my life, its not something I wish to do forever either, its just something I fell in to and have just progressed in to it a bit but I work 12 hour shifts days & nights (4 on 4 off rotation) which at the min is pretty great as I get 4 full days to do "stuff" with my favourite mean Oran (my son), but is also pretty pants as when Im on nights Im constantly tired & when Im on days I don't get to see much of my family so I try to do as much as possible with Oran (and if @ a weekend hubby to) when Im off so I don't feel as if Im making them miss out by my working full time (which we can't afford for me not to do!).

I really want to pull my finger out this year and I have so much on my "to do" list & I hope to at least get 75% of the way through it and hopeful I will document some or most of it if I remember on this blog, not that I think anyone is going to be remotely interested in what I’m doing with my time, but more so as I record for myself to look back on and see what I have achieved throughout the year!